I couldn’t play more than a few hours- it’s just so much of nothing going on. I was hoping for a western Grand Theft Auto, but I got a rejected Louis L’Amour novel
I play a modern prestige game for like 2 hours every few months, get bored nothing is happening, load up my saturn emulator to give dragon force another go.
Have you ever tried the Yakuza series? I think they get the balance of "we're telling a story about these angry men" and "Here's our angry man doing extremely silly things" right to a greater degree than Rockstar's stuff tends to.
Roach is shaped like a friend.
Montgomery Bon Bon has to solve a murder where the only witness is a lovely white horse.
Not everyone gets along with open world adventures, and that's fine
(would you like quests? I'll give you quests if you want?)