Oh, I just don't see many here. There's not a lot of great habitat around 100 Mile House. Those that were not fat are gone now. But I used to live on the coast and see them year-round.
I've a giant Nikon D800 DSLR and a giant Nikkor 200-500mm tele that acts as a 10 pound weight around my neck, but you don't want that. 🙂
You can get just as good wildlife shots using the much smaller and lighter mirrorless systems out these days. Even a decent bridge camera can do the trick.
"Yeah, they're wood ducks."
...'But no, they're REAL.'
"Yeah... They're wood ducks."
'No, look. They're REAL.'
... 🦆
Terrible typing day
You can get just as good wildlife shots using the much smaller and lighter mirrorless systems out these days. Even a decent bridge camera can do the trick.