Thank you. My baby's good- this was eight years ago, and his scans were tapering off. Once a month, then quarterly, then yearly. Five years out from radiation & surgery, you're back to zero in terms of your cancer. Other parents aren't so lucky- and Trump has all but ensured those children will die.
So many good people, this latest batch of hits will be what finishes them off. Everything they survived until today- and now THIS. Too many people are living too close to the edge for such sudden rapid movement to not cause them to fall over irretrievably into the abyss.
They are unwittingly creating more Luigi Mangiones as we speak. This country has ingrained in a lot of people's heads that violence is sometimes the last and only option.
Perhaps, but I think it more likely that they've worked the Luigi variable into their projections and now allow for a certain number of executive homicides to quiver their share value without truly fluctuating their cost-to-benefit ratio analysis, thusly keeping their R.O.I. on the high side.