Today is Bowser Jr.'s canonical birthday, according to an instructonial video by Nintendo!
Here's a 'what if' comic I made last year, touching on an alternate interpretation of the origins of Bowser Jr.'s modern mask and paintbrush. He probably made them himself, but I thought the idea was cute!
Here's a 'what if' comic I made last year, touching on an alternate interpretation of the origins of Bowser Jr.'s modern mask and paintbrush. He probably made them himself, but I thought the idea was cute!
i am so happy to be march twins with Jr😎😎
This is super cute~
I made this comic for me, no one else, but since it might be hard to understand:
panel 1: Jr. crying about losing his magic paintbrush at the end of SMS
panel 2: bowser noticing that jr.'s birthday is soon
panel 3: jr. receives gifts from dad!
panel 4: :)
I'd suggest more work on the storytelling though, maybe more panels, I had difficult to grasp the idea without reading your post first (Not that I'm entitled to criticize your work, take that with a grain of salt)
(That reminds me that I made a comic about his scarf too, years ago...I should try to find it xD)