During her book tour for a book about how bad tech guys are Kara swisher was interviewed by Sam Altman and Reid Hoffman and was an Elon apologist long into his reign lol
She actually thought Elon buying Twitter was a good idea. I wonder if she’s figured out by now that he’s going to use it to radicalize billions of people around the world over the next few years. These days she fawns over the AI guy who is going to kill hundreds of millions of jobs.
Like Gladwell & Galloway she's someone too into the smell of their own flatulence and I just can't take seriously anything they say or write. Not to mention the access shilling & refusing to user her bully pulpit to call out the worst of the BS.
Every advice I’m reading also suggests not quoting the subject since that’s the only way they’re getting shared into new feeds (no algorithm here). Hope that helps!
and throwing her name in every time the NYT and the rest of the spineless asskissers get brought up
I wanna see her permanently connected to EM in the public awareness like Candyfucker Carlson to Putin/Trvmp
...actually, it's more that DCAU!Luthor is competent. Elon can be movies!Luthor.