(I think that came from many left-Libertarian folks incorrectly identifying the primary threat to personal (including sexual) freedoms being stuff libs instead of Republicans.
I wouldn’t say such a thing? I’m of the view that capitalism usually makes a society more woke, and that that’s a very good thing. I’m unironically a woke capitalist.
Yeah, it kind of feels like victory in civil rights struggles eventually boils down to being treated as yet another valid demographic for advertisers, so at a certain point capitalism is on your side with token representation, trying to sell you nonsense, etc.
I think this is temporally backwards 🤔woke *used* to be a self-identification for people who saw themselves as being aware of systemic societal injustices and has been retrofitted by reactionaries to be a pejorative for "annoying politically correct speech police".
woke is literally the same metaphor for liberals+leftists that "red pilled" is for reactionaries+rightists. it's a point of pride that someone thinks they see The True Nature of Reality, to be contrasted with Those Other Sheeple Who've Been Fooled By Society.
If we want to do a more complete history, "woke" gains currency specifically I think in Black circles, then gets context as part of a wider spread of social justice activism as an identity through the left-of-center, and there's a brief window of rough consensus left and right as to what it is.
Essentially someone highly conscious of social justice issues, multiple axes of oppression and so on. The disagreement for a little bit is mostly over whether it's good thing or a bad thing.