I don't know if you already had this idea, but I'll share it anyway. It would be funny if you make a bit of a tutorial made for Elon about the proper way to express emotions with hand gestures to avoid being cringe. Then you explain that these are ok 👍👎🤝🤞✌️🫰🤟👌🫷🤏🖖🖕, but the nazi salute isn't ok.
I agree with everything you say except for one very important thing. It's not two years... It's as early as now. The opposition is mobilizing in local elections where things that directly affect the communities we live in are affected directly. So many sleep on these and it matters SO MUCH.
I welcome every voice denying that he did a nazi salute (which he did), because it means they still feel that doing a nazi salute would stain his reputation. Why do it publicly? To tell his fans: look, I got away with it, and so can you. We must show them they can't. Never Again.
Steve, I came for the Star Trek, but I stayed for the...well, the Star Trek, actually...but I double-dog stay for your consistently cathartic oration of what anyone with so much as a moral bone in their ear desperately wants to scream right now. Even from across the pond where the effects are less.
Watch a movie called Soft and Quiet. I won’t reveal the details but there is a scene in which a woman shows these other women a pie for their meeting. Elon’s salute is the pie reveal.
I think he’s smart enough to use plausible deniability while still signaling to those of that ilk that the new administration has their back. If anyone needs further proof watch this video as well as consider Trump’s nominee for Sec. of Defense. And pardoning traitors.
Democracy died yesterday.
Yeah I’ve given the benefit of the doubt to many times to that dude. Like nah fuck off that was totally a Nazi salute
The only thing I could buy is that he did it to fuck with people and he chose to do the salute because people keep saying he’s real chill with neo Nazis :/
I think Popehat's Rule of Goats applies here: if you fuck goats, even if you claim you're doing it ironically, you're a goatfucker. If you do a Nazi salute, it doesn't matter if you're doing it to "own the libs" or some such dipshittery, you're still normalising being a Nazi, and emboldening Nazis.
It’s more that I would just kinda look at him when he did something insane and just listen to every say that "his goals are just beyond our understanding" or "he’s autistic and awkward. Don’t fault him for that" and just kinda nodded my head and looked away…
He bought twitter and broke it, he seemed to just utterly embarrass Trump whenever he showed up, etc etc.
I guess it’s less that I was giving him the benefit of the doubt and more that I was just underestimating him I guess considering what a failure the dude is even with all his money :/
The 1 thing I find almost reassuring about this is: At least we know it's not something he's been doing in private up until now. In all the times I've seen scumbags do that, this is the first time I've seen 1 almost injure himself doing it. It's like he just bought new arms
Fascists: Yes
Neo-Nazis: Yes
Historians: Yes
People with eyes: Yes
Media: What a curious salutation? What could this esoteric gesture mean?
ADL: Have you tried not being so paranoid? #NeverAgain
Sky News: Nope, you're all hallucinating, no salute happened
Democracy died yesterday.
Elon Musk bought the US and broke it.
I'm very socially awkward. I've never done a Nazi salute, accidentally or intentionally, because I'm not a fucking Nazi.
The only thing I could buy is that he did it to fuck with people and he chose to do the salute because people keep saying he’s real chill with neo Nazis :/
I guess it’s less that I was giving him the benefit of the doubt and more that I was just underestimating him I guess considering what a failure the dude is even with all his money :/
I quit YT, X, Meta apps, etc. but I knew you’d have a banger take on this NAZI SHIT. Really good to see you posting here!
Thanks for always calling it like it is, and for holding Dems accountable for their bullshit.
Fascists: Yes
Neo-Nazis: Yes
Historians: Yes
People with eyes: Yes
Media: What a curious salutation? What could this esoteric gesture mean?
ADL: Have you tried not being so paranoid? #NeverAgain
Sky News: Nope, you're all hallucinating, no salute happened