Hit the nail on the head once again! It works the other round as well, when fanatics dismiss valid criticism because they defend the thing they love no matter what.
These people are acting like Star Trek hasn’t had bad episodes or movies before? There’s been a lot of great Star Trek produced under the current team too.
I also like the bad, cheesy Star Trek as much as the good though. Late Happy Threshold Day!
Overreactions to bad Star Trek movies/shows is something that I scratch my head over, too. There's been bad Star Trek as long as there has been good Star Trek, there's been great and awful work done under every creative regime of the franchise, and what's great and what's awful is subjective anyway.
I think any art being produced by a corporate entity for profit is going to be imperfect for a number of reasons. Same can be said for any collaborative art where many people have different but hopefully similar visions. Just cherry pick the good stuff like Christians cherry pick the Bible! 😂
I agree with all of this, and I wonder if it doesn't point to a fundamental flaw in the human condition.
Politics. Religion. Sports. Fanatics will rage, threaten, riot and even kill. That impulse exists in a chunk of every generation that we know of throughout history. It's like bad genetic code.
I remember teaching some music students, and the discussion around different genres and artists. I was surprised at the vitriol aimed at music styles or bands they did not like. It was actually a visceral hatred of the act or music. I still remember some of the over the top reactions. Disturbing.
Oh boy. I haven't seen the kind of vitriol you're talking about in ST fandom, thankfully. But I have seen it in Supernatural fandom from people who hated the series finale so much that they're still trying to ruin the lead actor's life and career over it 5 years later. Insane behavior.
It's always stupid regardless but it makes even less sense to take it out on people who had no control over the major elements of the production, like an actor. It's like getting mad at the person who seats you at a restaurant because you didn't like the food.
Exactly. But there was a group of people spreading the rumor that he made them rewrite the finale because of his new show that was set to come out afterwards. It was a really ridiculous conspiracy theory and people just ran with it. There are people who still believe it.
You should talk with this guy about the “don’t get mad about a show you like” advice. He seems pretty pissed off about a tv show and even calls out the showrunner.
Granted, he doesn’t call for the showrunner’s head so don’t put him in the same category as the toxic fanboys on the internet.
I want everyone who's ever sent death threats to anyone over a piece of media to be strapped in the Clockwork Orange chair and made to watch this video until it sinks in.
I also like the bad, cheesy Star Trek as much as the good though. Late Happy Threshold Day!
Politics. Religion. Sports. Fanatics will rage, threaten, riot and even kill. That impulse exists in a chunk of every generation that we know of throughout history. It's like bad genetic code.
Granted, he doesn’t call for the showrunner’s head so don’t put him in the same category as the toxic fanboys on the internet.