Sexuality: Questioning . . . Too many pretty girls nowadays.
The grandmother who originally corrupted her son (Kyousuke) has come back to corrupt others like Him. . . Surely the hag doesnt have that much stamina right...?
The mother herself is Naive to what happens within her home, unsure of what happens when shes at work but of course she loves her husband! Despite often being neglected by him . . .
The overly stubborn and always hateful sister, but she's soft and lets people do what they want to her within reason of course. Otherwise it is off limits to her.
Age: 70-80
Height: 5'11
Bust: Triple E
Sexuality: Questioning . . . Too many pretty girls nowadays.
The grandmother who originally corrupted her son (Kyousuke) has come back to corrupt others like Him. . . Surely the hag doesnt have that much stamina right...?
Age: X-1X
Height: depends on age chosen
Dick size: 6-12 inches (changeable)
The son who's innocent, yet hung like a horse. He's easily persuaded by others to do things he wouldn't normally do . . .
Age: 48
Height: 6'0
Dick size: 10-12 inches (changeable to be bigger, not smaller)
The devoted and loving father, at least his facade because he's as big as a pervert as the next door neet~.
Age: 45
Height: 5'8
Bust: Triple D
Sexuality: Questioning. . . .
The mother herself is Naive to what happens within her home, unsure of what happens when shes at work but of course she loves her husband! Despite often being neglected by him . . .
Age: X5
Height: 5'7
Bust: Double D
Sexuality: Pansexual
The overly stubborn and always hateful sister, but she's soft and lets people do what they want to her within reason of course. Otherwise it is off limits to her.