MAGA will always exaggerate stupid shit, set their hair on fire about while practicing as much double standard cognitive dissonance as they can squeeze out of the mental gymnastics routine.
its rather awkward to see those idiots with stupid red or black hats, Elmo in shirt in white house and than they cry about Zelenskyy. I wonder how any normal person can think it is ok and be on their side.
Remember Brian Glenn!!! The idiot who thought it was funny to question the attire of a President at war with Russia! Boycott everything that loser does!
If wearing a suit somehow makes you act like a bully, belittle, be unrespectful and generally act like an ass, then Zelensky was probably the only one behaving as an adult and was seriously interested in "negotiating".
So, it's true. The left has no sense of decorum. Wow! Most of the world does, and those not involved in grabbing your money are also ashamed of his arrogance.
Pulled shit
think he'll do
and her
Don’t forget about my, uh, warrior governor down here in the real swamp, home to trump’s retirement compound and current weekly weekend-golf-get-away at $3.4 million a visit. Where’s Big Balls? Elooon! Someone let him know about this!
Meanwhile… ⤵️ another SUIT-LESS REPUBLICAN! Someone tell JD!
Protesting here in the US means nothing and will accomplish nothing for Ukraine. Ukraine is losing the war and running out of fighting men. They need people to volunteer to fight.
If people in the US wants this war to continue, that is the best thing to help. Go, fight, defeat Russia.
Here is where Zelenskyy messed up. He was in the US to sign a mineral rights deal. That would put US companies in Ukraine to work. That alone would have stopped Russia for the fear of hitting US citizens and military protection. Instead, he flipped the script. This has to be understood.
Zelenskyy didn’t mess up….The purpose of this meeting was to attack and embarrass Zelenskyy…..but instead they are the ones who embarrassed themselves. Zelenskyy was a study in self control. They didn’t even intend to offer a viable deal to Zelenskyy, or they wouldn’t have behaved like that.
Not going to happen. Ukraine is out of fighting men. That is why he was Asking Trump for US soldiers. We certainly don't won't that.
This war needs to end. With UK getting involved and dragging NATO to fight for a non-NATO country against Russia is the start of WW3.
France has nukes. UK has nukes. They can unite w Pakistan& India w their nuke weapons. Unite w China to demand full pay of loan debts ASAP. Bankrupt USA. UK & EU& Japan host100s of US MILITARY bases. They can EVICT USA asap! They got cards, mr trumpf! U got untrusted backstabbers. #DUMPtrumpf
I don’t even think that the hypocrisy bothers them anymore. They’re just like the hell with it say whatever you want whenever you want they have to believe you?
What a freaking question to ask someone who is in an active war and actually has been on the front lines to support his troops. He knows more about war than Trumpsky ever will.. you know, because of his bone spurs.
Worthless draft dodger arguing with a strong, empathetic leader who cares more about his country and his democracy and people, than trump or vance ever will. Trump &Vance only worship the dollar and the authority they desire to have. Truly despicable.
I still feel that the press conference in the Oval office was planned Trump and VP Vance wanted to embarrass President Zelensky Instead they showed all of us who they are Putin assets
Came to say the same thing. He even brought his child to the Oval office and Musk in a t-shirt and ball cap then. Kellyanne “alternative facts” was photo’d with her shoed feet on the Oval office sofa lol.
They never fail to see the irony either.
Cherry on top is Trump not paying attention while President Elon is speaking - too busy playing with his phone to be bothered about a Cabinet Meeting……..
J Jackass
D Delusional
V Vicious
A Asshole
N Naive
C Corrupt
E Egomaniac
Members of Congress-Democrat and Republican:
Boycott the speech
Wear Putin mask
Trun your back in protest
Make it clear--we won't accept his destruction of our democracy!!
And George H.W. Bush never wore a suit during the original 1991 Desert Storm/Gulf War. I distinctly remember him wearing a polo shirt/unbuttoned dress shirt and dress pants when he was out and around with his wife and his grandchildren when I was a kid.
And even when you do…
Can a journalist please ask him if he’s being manipulated by Putin because of personal gain, his old age, his stupidity, or all of the above? You’re all getting banned anyway. Ask the tough questions.
I was told that the reporter that asked Zelenskyy about a suit is dating MTG. He was wearing a suit but there is no redemption for his abysmal taste in women.
Because sometimes being a human who gives and is worth a damn "trumps" your little lackluster fashion runway. People are hungry, jobless, and can't afford their healthcare. The last thing people want to see is some self-absorbed moron dressed in a wrinkled, ill fitting $17,000+ suit in war-time.
When the President was a good person that was there to help the people. Not get richer off of selling president junk. I feel like the White House is a Walmart trying to put money in his pocket. Scamming people.
these cherry-pickin' hypocrites are INFURIATING, DISINGENUOUS FauxChristian MAGAts....
They will CONTORT to point fingers at the slightest 'offense' they can concoct...and conveniently ignore THE SAME -- committed ad nauseum AND LAUDED -- by THEM and THEIRS
They were all jealous; not ONE of them could show up in his uniform and not show how big their bellies are. They 'play' at war while he is the real deal. All three them are nothing but a bunch of miserable cowards trying to denigrate a national hero. 🤬
Everything Trump is involved in is a set piece for his base and supporting media.
This is why that signing went wrong, the other guy didn't play along. Ukraine was supposed to say thanks to Trump and Zelenskyy probably got confused as he's said it a lot.
If I ever become a politician I'm running my entire campaign in sweat pants. If you care more about what I'm wearing than what I'm saying and doing... I don't want the vote anyways
That initial comment was enough to prove that there was a conversation before Zelensky arrived and it was an ambush. The tone had been set before the meeting began
I believe Trump made some comment to Zelenskyy earlier about his attire and I think mtgs boyfriend thought he’d capitalize on that. Totally playing up to Trump. What an irrelevant ass clown.
Here is SNL's take on the rest of it!🤭
Elon Musk Cold Open - SNL
Elon Musk interrupts
a heated meeting with [FELON47], JD
Vance, Marco Rubio and Ukraine
President Zelensky.
Forget the damn suit can anybody give me how many days a year each of the presidents in the picture are golfing? Ok, how about how many women they’ve slept with in the last 10 years?
Keep those archival photos coming.
These are images that MUST NOT be forgotten. The pictures speak the truth, and beseech us to not let history repeat itself. seems to think "daddy trump" prevailed. Marco Rubio's body language suggested otherwise. No matter - Keir Starmer took the win...
The picture of Musk in a ball cap speaking over Trump who sits looking quite downtrodden next to Musk’s son picking his nose in the Oval Office speaks loudly!
it’s MTG alleged BF that put the question
He & she clinging together hoping that nobody realises it’s extremely convenient for both of them to hide their sexuality in the open!!
Him color co-ordinated not a hair out of place
Her dungarees & totes military grade weapons!
I don’t know where to start…Michelle O’s sleeveless dress(let’s not forget Melania wore a strapless dress) or Obama tan suit!! These are the pathetic argument s rep have!🤬
Donald has a thing with suits. There's an old story from when DonJr was younger and he and his dad were going to make an appearance at a ball game. Trump knocked on Jr's door and when he answered in jeans and a t-shirt, Trump slapped him across the face and said "Get a suit on. I'll be in the car."
Yeah... the nerve of Zelensky... coming to a meeting in the Oval Office without a kid sitting on his shoulders, plucking boogers, shushing the "prez"?! I mean... that's far more acceptable, right?! 🤷♀️🤷♂️
6B's aka The Greench's Boytoy wears drag on television and is not entitled to demand a war hero and diplomatic guest of the country about his choice of attire. 😡
That was just a BS moment to side swipe real discussion and make Zelensky look like he had no answer (which he had after all) ... what feckless pieces of shit.
MAGA will always exaggerate stupid shit, set their hair on fire about while practicing as much double standard cognitive dissonance as they can squeeze out of the mental gymnastics routine.
Pulled shit
think he'll do
and her
Meanwhile… ⤵️ another SUIT-LESS REPUBLICAN! Someone tell JD!
If people in the US wants this war to continue, that is the best thing to help. Go, fight, defeat Russia.
This war needs to end. With UK getting involved and dragging NATO to fight for a non-NATO country against Russia is the start of WW3.
The current usa stinks, as there’s isn’t a legitimate Overwatch to police the 3 corrupt branches of the usa govt.
Spread the Message!
We don't want NO Stinking King ...
Sorry, but I have a hell of a time believing that someone wouldn't try because there is a kid.
Doesn’t stand a chance. Luckily I think some (many) of his other kids have escaped his awful influence
enough to be dating MTG.
And what's with all the GOP in blue suits anyway?
Fucking stupid tie of my anus man.
It's not confortable in the first place.
Cherry on top is Trump not paying attention while President Elon is speaking - too busy playing with his phone to be bothered about a Cabinet Meeting……..
R Rapist
U Unhinged
M Moron
P Psycho
J Jackass
D Delusional
V Vicious
A Asshole
N Naive
C Corrupt
E Egomaniac
Members of Congress-Democrat and Republican:
Boycott the speech
Wear Putin mask
Trun your back in protest
Make it clear--we won't accept his destruction of our democracy!!
The USA is the goon who peaked in high school.
I don't want a leader in an expensive COSTUME.
Can a journalist please ask him if he’s being manipulated by Putin because of personal gain, his old age, his stupidity, or all of the above? You’re all getting banned anyway. Ask the tough questions.
This is why MAGA followers blame Zelensky for not wearing a suit.
Here’s Kellyanne being “respectful” of Oval Office decorum.
these cherry-pickin' hypocrites are INFURIATING, DISINGENUOUS FauxChristian MAGAts....
They will CONTORT to point fingers at the slightest 'offense' they can concoct...and conveniently ignore THE SAME -- committed ad nauseum AND LAUDED -- by THEM and THEIRS
Why are Democrats moving toward becoming warmongers? We need peace and that war to end. That should be the focus. Not more death.
as she traveled to see infants torn from their parents during
her husband's first term, locked up in cages.
This is why that signing went wrong, the other guy didn't play along. Ukraine was supposed to say thanks to Trump and Zelenskyy probably got confused as he's said it a lot.
After they’ve been letting THIS walking dress code violation loom over the Cabinet and the President himself?
/that would've been my go-to
He was allowed to ask the first question to set the tone & put the WH guest off balance.
Oh Hell Yeah, it was a setup/ambush.
Signals lack earnestly & insecurity.
Ignorant bullies afraid of a true leader!
Pathetic children!
Say the nasty stuff he wants you to say?
Here is SNL's take on the rest of it!🤭
Elon Musk Cold Open - SNL
Elon Musk interrupts
a heated meeting with [FELON47], JD
Vance, Marco Rubio and Ukraine
President Zelensky.
Though; the gang up bullying of Pres, Zelenskiyy has seriously backfired on the 🍊 and his turd-skis
#Resist #StrongerTogether
These are images that MUST NOT be forgotten. The pictures speak the truth, and beseech us to not let history repeat itself.
it’s MTG alleged BF that put the question
He & she clinging together hoping that nobody realises it’s extremely convenient for both of them to hide their sexuality in the open!!
Him color co-ordinated not a hair out of place
Her dungarees & totes military grade weapons!
Just saying
Fuck him too