Remember, at the Zelenskyy-Trump meeting, RUSSIAN STATE MEDIA was in the Oval Office -- and the White House claims they don't know how it happened.
Reuters and the AP were BANNED from the meeting.
Reuters and the AP were BANNED from the meeting.
The security-level to get in there is wáy too high and as a journalist you go through several layers of security.
"Me know nothing" doesn't fly here.
We see the example every day.
- donOLD fElon trump
- fElon (rat)musk
- jay-dee spineless vance
- marco "liddle balls" rubito
Weren't they searched, credentials presented, etc etc etc?
Isn’t security pretty goddamned tight all around the fucking White House?!?
If it’s not, then maybe “someone necessary” should take a stroll around there to clean it the fuck up.
What kind of security allows an uninvited, unscreened member of the press into the Oval Office no matter what country the reporter is from?!
Gee, I hope none of his enemies learn of this!🫤
Best case scenario: they were lying.