You didn't win. STOLLEN! ELECTION INTERFERENCE! FRAUD! Kamala will not certify the election. I know that you are ok with that because you were fine when Trump tried. Thanks for the idea.
I guess I have problems when I behave like Trump and MAGA. I agree. You guys crack me up because I act just like Trump and MAGA and I call you names and use ALL CAPS and say the same FUCKING lies and bullshit you do then you cry that I'm mean and say I need meds. Reverse psychology doesn't seem to
Sure. Have you tried to discuss facts with MAGA? I really don't understand how people can't see who Trump is. All he does is spread hate and cause chaos. Many people are already afraid to speak up because of the fear of death threats from MAGA. Do you disagree that Trump causes chaos and many people
Everyone knows there was some serious Malarkey going on but there seems to be NOBODY doing shit about it so nothing really matters anymore. I’m guessing their plan is to hopefully pick up the pieces after he breaks everything and the people finally wake up 🤷♂️
Trump and Republicans are now talking about talking about ending the filibuster and packing the supreme court...something to the affect of, that is what Dems promised to do, so we should do it.
"Im not a doctor" but you might want to get the #TDS under control before his 4 years start.
Men support the successful, and will rally around such.
We don't need to like him. This is the reality of any man who works in the real world.