Why am i feeling like we no longer have a Democratic Party and they have all abandoned us for Trump and Putin ?
Hopeless feeling
Hopeless feeling
Severely punishing political corruption EVERY time, would also help.
National referendums on all legislation would improve our government immensely.
Amending the Freedom of speech to punish political fraud ads like we punish other types of fraud is another.
At least the Steelers won.
At the same time, the Dem Party has to get its shit together.
I do feel for many others who might not have the support to fight back
“The forest was shrinking, but the trees kept voting for the axe, for the axe was clever and convinced the trees that because its handle was made of wood it was one of them.”
We need to do more local organizing.
Then we’re stuck in a MAGA dictatorship.
How do we break free from that?
I feel a bit hopeless and abandoned also, but think with time, we will come back stronger and more dedicated to fighting for the rights of ourselves and others!
We MUST resist!