Next beautiful day, go touch some grass with your bare feet, close your eyes, take a deep breath, and listen for something,…anything, beautiful.
I do this when im despondent. 🥹
its no ones business how I spend my time as long as I am not hurting anyone... the Idea that we should be measured by a work standard is dictatorial... we are part of society and we should be a part of the body, just like all the other cells.. in the place where we belong..
For a number of years I blamed myself for being lazy in not getting anything done. Eventually I realized my head was so messed up I could hardly function. I wish I knew sooner…
It’s so rough feeling that way. When I’m feeling beaten down, I try to find one small thing to be hopeful for. Some days, it’s a super small thing (flowers are starting to sprout). Some days, if I’m lucky, it’s bigger. Sending peace your way! 💛
In Trumps case it IS laziness.
Or maybe he should just damn retire. Why waste the last years of your life being so vile and ruining other people lives? Oh yeah prison.
That comment is for people with depression and he sure as hell doesn’t have that. He doesn’t have feelings.
As a therapist, I definitely support this message.
In the US, we have a mentality that’s says in order to succeed, you need to push yourself 24/7. We all need rest, moments to recharge, and time to feed our “emotional piggy banks!”
The best thing I learned about myself is that I can do groups, I just need time after to recharge. This was a life changing revelation for me. I just wish I'd learned it about 30 years sooner!
This is exactly how I feel. Every ounce of my strength is going toward keeping my head from blowing apart whenever I see that I'm being forced to live inside the nightmare reality that is Trump's dementia and Elon fixation while the government pretends it's all perfectly normal.
Was just thinking about those that experience and struggle with challenges differently. Always been a loudmouth so this is a much-needed reminder to keep my expectations focused on myself.
can't leave the couch
can't leave the house
sure it's ptsd
I do this when im despondent. 🥹
It's like inertia
sending hugs to you too
for today. Tomorrow,I’ll see
Or maybe he should just damn retire. Why waste the last years of your life being so vile and ruining other people lives? Oh yeah prison.
That comment is for people with depression and he sure as hell doesn’t have that. He doesn’t have feelings.
In the US, we have a mentality that’s says in order to succeed, you need to push yourself 24/7. We all need rest, moments to recharge, and time to feed our “emotional piggy banks!”
thanks for sharing this.