*Sulph walks outisde the Godsend Bus, clearing his head, before he hears rain, despite the sky being clear. He holds out his hand, feeling the raindrops touch it.*
A fox's wedding...
*Suddenly, he perks up, and rushes towards a back alley, to find a fox, stuck with dozens of ratty umbrellas.*
A fox's wedding...
*Suddenly, he perks up, and rushes towards a back alley, to find a fox, stuck with dozens of ratty umbrellas.*
Shhh, I'm not here to hurt you, I'm here to help.
*He gently approaches, giving slow pets as the fox's aggression melts away.*
Aren't you a cutie~ Now that you know I'm not here to hurt you, do you want me to remove these?
*The fox stills, and slowly nods.*
*Nervous chitters from the fox again.*
1, 2, 3!
*An umbrella is pulled, a small yelp of pain from the fox, but as Sulph smooths his hand over the wound it made, and the pain dissipates, the wound healing.*
Shhh, it's okay if you want to sleep, Drifters often grow tired easily.
*He muses to himself on that last statement of his.*
Don't I know it...
Well, I should head back.
*He looks to the statuette.*
Would you like to stay with me? I have a place we can stay.
*A small affirmative rumble.*
Heh, Horatio's gonna flip when he sees this.
*He walks back to the Godsend Bus, the statuette warmly thrumming in contentment, almost like a purr.*