Opposite coast to all my friends and family. Everyone older than me (xennial) uses no other platform and take it as a death blow if you disengage with it. Most of my military friends still have accounts solely to see updates from others even if they never post themselves.
I don't give out my number. I use social media to maintain a boundary with a few because they are immediate family and the I will call your boss to talk to you if you don't text me back. I have ADHD so you can imagine how that goes with texting.
Some people have complex relationships and want to stay connected in some capacity with difficult people. I tend to be OK ignoring those but that's me and the set of difficult people I happen to know. everyone is different. It's unfortunate that FB is the only way for a person to manage that.
So what? Text, e-mail, phone. Remember those? You are giving excuses. If it folded tomorrow you would find a way. I am not missing a thing. You do you and keep supporting a billionaire that does not give af about you
I'm not American. News is already blocked for us on FB. We have existing hate speech legislation so not as entrenched in free speech debate etc. We don't share the same experiences.
I don’t miss it at all is the point. All of these people, except the lady that has her husbands memories or something, giving excuses….. all I hear is blah blah blah. These are the sheep. They are supporting billionaires that could give af if we lived or died. Yet they continue. Dumbasses
Family and friends is the only reason I still have FB anymore. Otherwise, I would’ve probably closed out my FB account a long time ago. FB just isn’t that fun to use anymore due to bots and forced ads.
It’s not so easy for those of us running a buriness off of the platform, but I’m trying. Most of my events, my entire brand, has been built there over the course of years…but you’re right, it is a shit hole. A massive one.
It’s tough to leave. I nuked my X account, no problem. FB has a lot of family and friends who will never even know what BlueSky is. I’ve scaled way back on posting though because I know the algorithm has shadow banned me ages ago.
I can't leave because no one in my life is on here, or twitter, or discord, or tiktok.
I make a FB status and ppl I know will see it. I make a post here, it's dust in the wind...
I DONT like talking on the phone, and I haven't sent a personal email in like 15 years. Social media is how everyone I know communicates. And I don't use it unless I have to. So if that makes me a sheep then bah bah keep your negativity to yourself bah bah
Plus memories has posts from my deceased husband. I'm copying them as much h as I can to leave, but I still have actual people i know there.
But thank you.
After Cambridge Analytica, I can't understand why anyone would use any Zuckerberg product.
I make a FB status and ppl I know will see it. I make a post here, it's dust in the wind...