alongside give the shitholes of slough, swindon, etc access to the rest of the uk, birth one of the single worst fictional characters ever devised and overall extremely shit, fuckers couldn't even handle a more successful railway refusing their greedy asses more of their profits (met sweep🔥🔥🔥)
what, which railway they tried to fuck over by asking for a larger cut in profits? who else but the metropolitan
great northern fucking saved them i honestly cl
alongside give the shitholes of slough, swindon, etc access to the rest of the uk, birth one of the single worst fictional characters ever devised and overall extremely shit, fuckers couldn't even handle a more successful railway refusing their greedy asses more of their profits (met sweep🔥🔥🔥)
great northern fucking saved them i honestly cl
duck, mate is such a dickriding knob i wouldn't mind throwing stones at him, infact i'd throw bricks
Kinda a tryhard move