POP CULTURE: haha robot go "Stop Dave. Stop."
ACTUAL 2001 A SPACE ODYSSEY: 5 straight minutes of a sentient being begging for its life in a way that makes it clear HAL would be panicked & sobbing if he didn't have a monotone voice
ACTUAL 2001 A SPACE ODYSSEY: 5 straight minutes of a sentient being begging for its life in a way that makes it clear HAL would be panicked & sobbing if he didn't have a monotone voice
1. A guy anxiously trying to negotiate for his life before 2. descending into panicked begging and, finally
3. despair over feeling his mind dying in real time
That's my point: that he realizes they're going to kill him if he doesn't kill them first
So from HAL's POV, the crew is going to jeopardize the mission & murder him for *no reason*
If a human yeeted a crew member into space and cut the life support to the rest, you'd rightly say they've lost their mind.