On Twitter, Christmas666 commented "Can’t take the teacher out of the magic player 😆," to which I respond: This 30-second edit was the teacher being generous.
"Next steps for claiming" is awkward (preposition "to" better w/steps). More professional phrasing: "with further details on how to." "Event" in "Arena Direct Event" = capitalized or not, but stay consistent. There appear to be double spaces after periods in the 1st paragraph but not the 2nd.
Why is "MTG Arena" italicized but not "Magic: The Gathering"? "Receive" is more formal than "get." "Follow up" is used as an adjective and should therefore be hyphenated. Whee. I'm gonna stop now.
As someone who has applied for and interviewed for copywriter roles at WotC -- only to be told that they have decided not to fill the role. I lol'd at this post.
Thank you,