Dear Democratic Party,
Stop swinging to the right out of fear.
Give us progress, green fields, and a better future for our children and you will get the votes you need to win.
Stop swinging to the right out of fear.
Give us progress, green fields, and a better future for our children and you will get the votes you need to win.
Not enough ppl voted Dem over the Right Wing dictator candidate. Bc of RWng media disinfo.
Liberals need new media that will carry Dems' messages. Most media are RWng now.
He taught me that everyone is a crook. And he wasn't far off the mark.
Now they'd end government to end taxation of their already obscene wealth.
All the money they spend on all this coercion is a bargain compared to paying a proper amount of tax on their wealth.
Fear shouldn't make us knuckle under. We've been fighting for so long.
But JFC look at Ukraine.
We have to keep on fighting.
Harris was offering everything you mention and the misogynistic, racist crowd turned us down.
We can't make policy or fill spots on the bench if we don't win.
To put a woman in the W House may take that white, hetero male who's married and has 2.2 kids to win, serve a couple years, then step aside for his female VP so that people can see that it's not the end of the world.
How do we get rid of citizens united WITHOUT congress enacting laws?
Medicare would cost the US 32 trillion over 10 years and Americans would have to give up all private insurance.
What we are doing now is not working. Period. It's time for something else.