Love this! Thirty-four years with my guy, soon to be 27 years married. Our personal styles are as different as any two people can be but, even when he drives me nuts, there’s some point in the day when I thank every deity I know of that I married him.
There’s an old saying, ‘Speak to the queen, and the queen will answer’. Meaning, generally people will respond to respect. Some won’t, some are jerks, but decent people will treat you as well or better than you treat them.
Other than her questionable taste in men, she’s practically perfect.
I have bee married to my Husband, who is my Soulmate of 42 years!
Gawd I am OLD!!!
I can't imagine a single moment without her these last 20y or the next 20y or the 20ybafter that, (assuming the planet hasn't washed us all away).