Hell yeah, gett'em! Also don't forget to submit discovery. You can be an absolute savage and request all kinds of things in discovery. For example I would request documents from the hospital and debt collection agency. Probably can get more creative.
Worst case is I waste half a day in court and have to pay $2500. BUT in Washington an affirmative defense to a debt lawsuit is that the owed amount is not accurate — and I have the receipts showing how arbitrary and capricious the process was. I think I’ve a decent chance to win.
Anyway, our health care system is stupid and broken and I hate it.
I suspect most people who aren’t as petty and able to navigate the system as I am would wind up getting royally fucked over by THE ASSET RECOVERY GROUP INC and The Bottom Feeding Attorney.
When they hopefully lose by default then file a claim for your expenses to the bottom feeders at whatever your time would cost for the work you have done fighting this.
I suspect most people who aren’t as petty and able to navigate the system as I am would wind up getting royally fucked over by THE ASSET RECOVERY GROUP INC and The Bottom Feeding Attorney.
Single payer today!