Watching the liberation of Syria, makes me more enraged at the non voters in this last election. I cherish our country so much and am grateful, especially as a woman, the rights that emboldened me to thrive. It’s the neutral ones that betrayed America the most.
I voted, and I hear their argument.
I have to vote, else I spit on their struggle. My late Aunt Minnie Belle didn’t get two Molotov Cocktails thrown in her home for registering people to vote for me to sit at home and note vote.
There are days when I miss plain old notes written on paper instead of AI too often programmed by folks that have their own ideas about what they think you mean.
If we solved all problems our kids would end up in more danger.
I understood going in that voting was and is a right fought for by generations of women before me.
It is my duty and responsibility to vote.
That is how I honor the women before me.
And the path I forge for those to come. ☮️