Like, Core’s aesthetic was extremely 90s. The Legend trilogy meanwhile was clearly stylized - everyone looks and dresses like supermodels. It’s beyond words to describe how ridiculous it is for anyone to call either style realistic by any measure.
Every woman who looks like 2013 Lara Croft has told them they're repugnant trash goblins and nobody actually looks like the OG Lara so they feel safe with those specific polygons and not rejected.
Same dudes would decry the lack of realism in any other context, but for some reason Lara packing an extra 40 pounds on her chest in no way interfered with their suspension of disbelief about her supernatural acrobatic abilities.
Woke is also apparently “the gay character has a photo of their family”.
Like how pathetic must these incels be that the mere existence of character being not like them is so threatening they must spend hours destroying someone’s real life?
My least favourite part of being a gamer is all of the other gamers who choose to be weird about nothing. Consequently, I waffle between not using the term and taking a Michael Bolton in Office Space approach
Those choads can call themselves something else, I was a gamer back before it became an Importart cultural identity. They have the same stink as the comicagate guys who unironically whined about “forced diversity in comics” without knowing that X-men carried the medium through the 90’s. Philistines.
i honestly saw so many non-gamers or people who are tangentially connected to gaming (like, they're into Aninal Crossing and arent a edgelord bigot) who were super into that whole thing, so its not a solid reference. It was bigger than "the gamers"
Like how pathetic must these incels be that the mere existence of character being not like them is so threatening they must spend hours destroying someone’s real life?