In our version it’s a scummy rapist slumlord with gold-plated toilets who verifiably committed treason with the support of compromised Republican politicians and a vile oligarchy set on bleeding the country dry…
Thanks David. The article only speaks of the informant and nothing about the New York based head of counterintelligence who was supposedly exposed as a double agent for the russians. Am I missing something?
Yes, we keep demanding FBI reports on each one.
Do call senators, even though we talk to answering machines. That Still Counts.
We "Do something", as Michelle Obama says.
Spread the word and eventually we all jam Senators' phone lines.
That's one thing that REALLY gets their attention.
Get out of the rest of the world and worry about your own assets. . .
None can pass confirmation.
Call your reps. Demand they vote no or we will primary them.
The New York based head of counterintelligence was exposed as a double agent for the russians.
There are bound to be more.