I genuinely don't understand what they're trying to get at. Or are these executive orders written by someone who thinks the very concept of a pronoun is 'woke', or something?
What's particularly galling is that they'd claim that 'the woke left' are all 'snowflakes'*, yet they're getting their gussets in a twist about a basic linguistic concept. It just looks deranged, doesn't it?
It's possible the ambiguity is deliberate. I'm pretty sure they have a tactic of sowing confusion to take up people's time and energy on trivial things while their main agenda is still advanced.
Sumarumi hopes the personnel in the department affected (ie everyone in the defence department) follow it to the letter. The impact will be MAYHEM.
(It was a struggle to write those 4 sentences without pronouns.)
*Ugh. It pained me to write that.