My school did this and it was when I realized that all the systems that my autistic ass thought were there to help and protect me, in fact, were the exact opposite c':
Radicalized my ass super early against authority that's for fucking sure lol.
"Don't put yourself down to their level!"
No, just let them put you down much lower than that.
I doubt that school as we practice it has much if anything to do with education. It's more about forcing bullies and their victims into convenient proximity.
School Institutions are radicalising, just not in the way Conservatives think.
(CW: Rape, Sexual Assault)
A girl at my secondary had her entire timetable moved & education disrupted cause she accused a boy in his last year of SA & the school just wanted to run out the clock on the issue.
I am surprised with as many guns as there are in the US you only see conservative kids shooting up their class and never parents of kids who were bullied putting a hole in their schools deans or principal after their child is punished for being bullied.
Yep, was a victim to that where the blamed me for being bullied back in the day and then to add insult and to keep money from the Government. I turned up again next year and not one department wanted me and I wish I didn't, had to accept guilt to be taken on by a deparment to continue high ed.
This was also at the same year, previously that said same place also kept a rape quiet in the same manner with it's victim made to keep their mouth shut to protect the reputation of said establishment.
I remember when I was a kid and got majorly bullied my principal tries to force me to drop out instead of helping and became a daily thing till I graduated
Yeah. Children need to be complaint, moldable, and demure like good little future retail employees. It's preparation for when their Boomer and Gen X (and soon to be Millennial) bosses do the same to them. They'll be used to it.
One thing every school hates more than anything is a bullying victim fighting back effectively. One must ask if they're failing to run schools that don't have bullies, or succeeding in establishing a social pecking order that goes the way they like it, and have been doing so for decades.
Yes, this happened to me. Instead of helping me, they found every reason to get me kicked out of school. And succeeded. Meanwhile the students who harassed me and caused mental harm to me were allowed to stay.
There was also a teacher who orchestrated my removal and he was known to be a piece of shit to students. He still has his job in that school and it infuriates me knowing he still has said job and likely has caused harm to other students similar to me
Schools prepare kids by establishing that authority doesn’t care about you if you aren’t a perfect star student they can send on trips and make the school look good and bring in more money.
It teaches bullies that they can prey on people and mostly get away with it, and teaches bully victims that they must either become a bully themselves or that those in power will not protect you and will punish you for speaking out.
Huh, that’s exactly what the American status quo is.
Radicalized my ass super early against authority that's for fucking sure lol.
No, just let them put you down much lower than that.
I doubt that school as we practice it has much if anything to do with education. It's more about forcing bullies and their victims into convenient proximity.
She continued being my vp all the way through highschool because she just kept getting moving up.
ESPECIALLY in private education. Rep is everything to them.
Which filled me with the warm sense of schadenfreude when i heard the drug problem my old high school (catholic) has/had
(CW: Rape, Sexual Assault)
A girl at my secondary had her entire timetable moved & education disrupted cause she accused a boy in his last year of SA & the school just wanted to run out the clock on the issue.
Out the bastards.
Huh, that’s exactly what the American status quo is.
Special education classrooms are arguably worse than detention. Every teacher in them treats you like you've never left Kindergarten.