after further consideration, i would like to announce that manana is actually in “effortlessly serves cunt” tier and i am a fool and a fake manana stan for not believing this sooner
klaus created pneuma, ontos, and logos bc galea once told him he didn’t slay and he needed to learn how
and as the closest forms of those three, mythra, alvis, and malos carry on that mission of serving cunt above everyone else 💅
nowhere better is this exemplified than by manana's reinterpretation of the colony 0 nutrient block honestly just look at hers and tell me she didn't. Crumblecrunch Block Bar more like Crumblecunt
In this context, to serve means to display, and when something is cunt/cunty, it basically means that it's bold, amazing, but also carries a degree of beauty to it, sometimes in a more feminine sense. That "something" can be fashion, a manner of speech, movement, etc.
and as the closest forms of those three, mythra, alvis, and malos carry on that mission of serving cunt above everyone else 💅
manana could definitely serve cunt like shes literally a chef
...and why am I in "himbo"?
In this context, to serve means to display, and when something is cunt/cunty, it basically means that it's bold, amazing, but also carries a degree of beauty to it, sometimes in a more feminine sense. That "something" can be fashion, a manner of speech, movement, etc.
Sooo. What about himbo then?
No offense. 🫣
i can TOTALLY do the whole serving cunt schtick, just snuffing watch me, you lot. I'll serve so much cunt there'll be leftover cunt for a week