Australians might think a person like Trump could never be elected here, but I disagree. The Voice ‘No’ campaign was Trumpian - weaponised victimhood, opposed equality, spread disinformation, created fear, sowed confusion and doubt. Used the same playbook as Trump’s Republicans and they won. Beware!
Let’s get rid of Dutton so he isn’t a threat !? Sign up to help Dickson find and support and independent candidate and Depose Duddton!
Never over estimate the intelligence of the average voter.
Hired US Republican based PR firms
That, coupled with Murdoch
… it wasn’t hard to brainwash people
We have to amplify ALP's achievements as there are many out there who are not engaged politically.
Of course it could never happen here 🙄
(I leave Dutton out because he’s a fill in guy, I hope 🙏)
that being said the AEC, compulsory voting, no presidency and australian’s allergic reaction to any kind of passionate commitment (except sport) and big ideas does work in our favour
Which isn’t to say we don’t also have a robust domestic supply.
A person like 🍊💩 could get elected.
GDP is about to go for a ride globally with a complex 15 year recovery ahead
Cost of living is a hot electoral issue everywhere, It's wont just be us
CPAC has been exported evangelically to Australia, Brazil, Hungary, Japan, Mexico and South Korea
Hungray and his respect for Orbán
Brazil had Bolsonaro, his supporters sacked the capital
I don't know enough about Japan or Mexico
DrVic nailed Australia
This has largely to do with people’s lack of trust for their elected politicians.
This mistrust exists on both side of the aisle and the center is gradually fading.
The liberal party use Koch i360 software. Be prepared for micro managed targeted messages, specifically designed to hoodwink voters.
Vote wisely Australia.
More of the same from ALP, and the Greens will almost certainly deliver victory to Dutton.
Where I live, people are completely over identity politics and Neo-liberalism, though they wouldn’t use those terms.
They want something different, but what's on offer?
The spud will feed that anger, and they'll have someone that makes them feel justified and right.
No one understands it's the same offering with a dash of somebody else's fault.
Thanks for your work on the Voice. You know what happened well and you're spot on.
With help from a mainstream media that it is complicit
[ #MurdochGutterMedia] or too craven or lazy to hold him accountable. #auspol
If Labor keep making giant missteps, they will hand the election to Dutton
With all media here promoting ‘Dutton says..’ we don’t stand a chance.