Thank you. I do too. I think it's postpartum depression. My doctor put me on wellbutrin. I'm really hoping it helps cuz idk how much longer I can feel this way
I take that one among other things, have been for years. The pills dull stuff a bit making it more manageable. Granted I'm also on 4 other pills as well. Hope it helps even if only a bit, might need to add another med later though.
I'm sure I'll need another one. I've been on meds on and off since I was a child. Sometimes I feel I'm better off with no meds until I end up being suicidal and then I get back on them. I know I definitely need to stay on meds.
I want to say yes I'm great, but I'm not. I'm hoping I will be okay. Hoping these meds help me soon. I don't know how to explain my emotions. I'm just straight up depressed af.
You don't have to pretend with me. Trust me, I've been there a lot and you've seen it. Take every measure you need to be there for yourself and your little ones. Social media can wait as long as it needs to for you. You're worth it.
Thanks. 🥺❤️🫂 I know you struggle too, I'm here for you, please know that. I lost a friend I met on social media not long ago, to suicide. I would hate to lose another. You're worthy and deserve better.
I almost went down that path somewhat recently and that door is still open, but I'm fighting harder to avoid it and I've found better people to surround myself with. I hope you can escape this pit you're in too. You also deserve to know peace.
I am sorry that you lost a friend recenly. You have friends who love you and are very here for you
Big hugs 🫂
Would you like to be mutuals again like we are on Twitter? 🙏🦋