Ok @bsky.app we need to be able to bookmark ‘tweets’ please.
How are @marina-purkiss.bsky.social and I supposed to get our content for The Trawl without?
How are @marina-purkiss.bsky.social and I supposed to get our content for The Trawl without?
You can send WhatsApp messages to yourself
Share bluesky content to your WhatsApp account
(Love the Trawl btw)
How do we do that?
Join this feed. Then, any post that you reply in comments with 📌, will then be added to said feed.
Clunky but it’ll probably work
But I'd ask you to consider that your successful, bellend-mining was contingent on the bellend motherload that was and is twatter.
There's a lot of chatter here about life free from the pollution of bellendary.
Feels good to me.
( I must look up how to copy a tweet)
(Please?! 🙏🏼)
Assuming you girl have I phones :)
How about screenshots on your phone or PC?