Thankfully, this has been brought to the forefront. Reagan is responsible for this sh#t show that's happening now. He busted the unions, tax cuts for rich, stopped Fairness Doctrine (hence, lies of media. FDR was the greatest president. He worked for the people not the Robber Barron's.
He was a sock puppet. He already exhibited symptoms of dementia, and he was simply a tool the wealthy used to gain power. And yet I know a woman who loved him so much she *named her daughter after him* which I found grotesque.
“He already exhibited symptoms of dementia, and he was simply a tool the wealthy used to gain power.”
Totally accurate and also sounds very very familiar right about now, doesn’t it? 🍊🤡
Thanks…it’s about time the truth was told about old Ronny Numbnuts. He proposed the worst budget in our history which included massive tax cuts. So much so the budget couldn’t be balanced unless the tax cuts were retracted. Plus, he was a proven racist by his recorded phone calls with Tricky Dick.
Wanna know why your local hospitals are owned by insurance and financial companies and why a box of tissues is billed to your account for $1,500 after a hospital stay? Or why do Americans spend more money on healthcare than any other country yet achieve only mediocre outcomes comparatively?
You can thank Reagan's Saving and Loan Crisis of the 80'ies and 90'ies for destroying the building of affordable housing. The Republican Deregulation agenda killed the economics of the 1st half of the 20th Century that built out our cities and towns.
That’s true. Thatcher opened the door for the small businesses, which seemed good at the time. Branson had one record shop, and Roddick had a Body Shop stall in a London market. But it all went wrong for Thatcher. They all get greedy.
He also cancelled metrication. He's why we still have to deal with ounces, pounds, teaspoons, tablespoons, cups, quarts, binary fractions of an inch, and a temperature scale that no one else uses. Extra tools and conversion errors for decades.
Clearly not his worst sin but still fucking annoying.
The God of cutting taxes, when California Gov, added sales taxes to the gas taxes.
As Prez.
Paid for top-rate tax cut from 70% to 28% by taxing SSI benefits.
Cut Federal support to many state education programs, forcing them to raise local taxes to make up Some of the cuts.
Yes trickledown screwed us all, but I’ll say this for Reagan: he didn’t mamby pamby around with the Soviets. He is turning over in his grave right now at the subservience the GOP shows Putin.
You're right, Reagan started it but when Democrats have power they waste a lot of it "reaching across the aisle" to Republicans who have absolutely NO interest in reaching back instead of putting all their energy into reversing the damage.
He was one of the shittiest presidents ever. He had Alzheimer’s in office ffs! How *anyone* sees him as a great president is beyond me. He made the country worse.
Taxed Social Security and busted the air traffic controller’s Union. Took away our ability to deduct credit card interest rates on our taxes. We had the highest interest rates on houses that I have ever seen.
Reagan fucked up the whole economy, and it has never recovered. Trump destroyed all morality that Christians had in this country, I don't think it will recover either.
He and Newt Gingrich were the beginning of the end of good politics and started the devisevness we're at today.
Nothing great about either of them. 🤨
Fox is cable but they made sure that Cable is COMPLETELY unregulated by the FCC unlike broadcast which still is and the Felon is now threatening ABC, NBC and CBS.
Reagan and his wife were POS's. They and the GOP screwed up so many lives with the trickle down and just say no BULLSHIT. Though I heard Hollywood thought she had a pretty mouth 🤔
So stinkin true. I didn't buy into him then, and now when people proudly say "I'm a Reagan Republican" i think "hmmmm" - At best, they responded to his "optimism".
America is still feeling the affects from this jerk. Trickle down economics my ass! You can thank him for social security being taxed. He also committed treason to beat Jimmy Carter by secretly negotiating with Iran to NOT release the hostages until AFTER our election.
Lets not forget how he made the news lying and blatantly broadcasting propaganda an accepted practice by getting rid of the fairness doctrine. He is the reason fox was able to create a generation of stupid cousin fucking inbred zombies.
I got double whammy from Reagan. He was govenor when I was in college. There were student protests, National Guard and SFPD Tac squad everyday. Reagan was horrible!
I was 12 when he took office and 20 when he left. He was a disaster to this country and the #1 reason why I pay attention to politics. I have never voted republican in my life and I never will.
Clinton raised taxes on the rich and ended his term with a surplus. Obama also raised taxes on the rich, as did Biden. I think you mean every Republican president since.
Clinton promoted deregulation (Glass-Steagall, remember?) and welfare reform
Obama let bankers get off after the 2008 debacle while suckers lost their homes
Whatever good 3 Obama/Biden terms did, the rich got richer and inequality ballooned.
So nyet
BOTH parties and their presidents killed the USA
While the media and the right wing trashed Jimmy Carter, a good and decent man, they turned the guy who would ruin so many lives and cause so much damage to the country to this day -- a national hero. Sadly, nothing has changed.
He has definitely had a serious impact on the political landscape we find ourselves in today. And while he was building his brand (the great communicator). working class, people of color, LGBTQ and others were feeling the brunt of his trickle down policies.
From supporting the Screen Actors Guild when it effected him. To flipping with Nancy’s dad, cutting higher education funding in 1967 when he didn’t like criticism, leading to 1.5 Trillion in student debt.
Breaking PATCO.
The Fuck responsible for why we are where we’re at.
He was owned by Lew Wasserman of Universal while Prez of the Screen Actors Guild. Members wanted Royalties on their old movies when they ran on TV. They didn't get it, instead they thru them TV show royalties since reruns were limited then with few cable users. Spelling hadn't bought up the Rights
He had a Kitchen Cabinet of Billionaires pulling his strings. Despite getting the 1st million $ contract in Hollywood from Lew Wasserman he wasn't really rich. GE built his all electric house with the auto doors. They bought them the Bel Air retirement home too.
I came into the tax business during that large sweeping tax law change. I am still not over the fact that they made social security and unemployment taxable. But limits on interest expense deduction to only home interest. They limited more heavily medical expenses and employee business expenses.
Mr. Trickle Down Economics was bs! Republicans fuck us over and Democrats have to repair the mess. Well Democrats, how the hell do we find ourselves exactly back in the same mess with a more demented
Rapist/Felon 45? I’m sick to my stomach. I thought #JusticeMatters.
As a former Californian he as governor ruined that state before he was President! He killed the middle class and made the rich more powerful. Awful President!
One of the most corrupt administrations ever, until 45. From Iran-Contra, Wedtech, S&L scandal, Hud rigging and Operation Ill Wind to all the subsequent pardons by HW later on for all that administration’s crooks. Sickening that anyone would praise that shit
And then 20 years later, some of those same people actually defending the Saudi government in court against the 911 family lawsuits (James Baker’s law firm)
Ahhhh, my Daddy told me when i was a kid my generation would suffer from reaganomics. And alas, here we are. Republicans fuck it up every. single. time.
I was very young at that time, but we didn't have an ounce respect for Ronald Reagan in Europe. Found him dumb and joked about him being an actor (while actors are actually fine folks).🤭
I liked Reagan. He made a mistake. Rather than caving to the ACLU lawsuits, he should have increased mental health funding and cleaned up and properly staffed mental health facilities.
Not defund and close.
Results since the 80’s - increased suicides, homelessness, mass shootings, etc.
This is why republicans liked him. He made sure the common folk would never have nice things. To this day republicans are following in his footsteps making sure you die young, die poor and die not knowing how badly they fleeced you.
He was crappy in so many ways! Start with his ignoring the AIDS crisis his entire 1st term--wouldn't even say the word, "AIDS" until 2nd term. Trickle down? More like peeing on the heads of the middle class. He had Iran not release hostages until he was sworn in as prez. Alzheimers Ronny term 2.
Reagan crashed the economy, the housing market, caused interest rates to rise beyond belief...just like all of his Republican predecessors in the White House. Hold on to your hats and don't bend over in Trump's second term. It's going to get ugly again folks.
Wanna know why the California cities are full of people who need hospitalized mental health care but there are no places for them? Wanna know why the California public university and public school system started to crumble? Wanna know why my disastrous fiscal policies were followed by other states?
We pay for our own prisons. What we're purchasing is time. Who is forcing us to buy more time? I am not a subscriber to the hope that is peddled. Hope it will get better if I just hold out a little longer? Greed kills the world. Prophets of greed enslave to world and slowly feed it into the grinder.
Reagan did more damage to the working class of this country than anyone in the last century. Reaganomics trickle-down is the biggest economic farce foisted upon our country.
His social policies were a disaster.
Nixon declared the “Drugwar” but it was Reagan’s “Just Say No” that put it on steroids.
Want to know how evangelicals infiltrated the government and achieved power the likes of which got Roe v Wade overturned? Thank Ronnie R.
See The Family documentary for how they started in government.
For sure as hell it was Ronnie Reagan. But that f***** had Alzheimer's if that tells you anything about the Republican party right now. Pay attention you might learn something
This is how they stopped pres. Jimmy Carter from getting elected for a second term.
A big turning point in our political divide.
"I do not recall" was their answer to any questions.
Hurt those of us younger boomers/jones, too- right when we were entering the workforce. The changes to our society that have resulted in our current fecal festival began with Reagan & his cronies. It’s only gotten worse.
Brown Eyed Susan is right. I lived through the Reagan years and his list of gotta go was Social Security, heath care, close all mental hospitals via not supporting mental health and dump the vets on the streets! 40 yrs later same republican inhumanity.
Trickle down Bullshit only benefits the rich! I, A retired 69 year old pay a much higher tax rate on my SSI Benefits than the ultra rich. Thanks, Ronnie.
The original MAGA solicitor who was originally packaged by The Heritage Foundation.
New solicitor (Orange Sphincter) and improved MAGA tactics evolved for over 50 years. Began in 1973 right after Watergate
Reagan was one of the worst. That trickle down economy thing what a joke. I was laid off from GM and then had to work 3 jobs. I was a single mom of 2. Just trying to pay bills.
Truth..this is where it started and caused us to be right here right now. Let's give the greediest fuckers more money so that they will distribute it to the masses..what the fuck is wrong with that plan🤔
Yep, Reagan started the tax on Social Security Benefits. It was intended to hit well off tax payers but the threshold was never raised or given a COLA so no at $25k Gross Income Seniors are hit with Income Tax on top of the regular tax we owe!
I cried when the hollywood flunky and his hubby worshiping wife took the Whitehouse- both times and when I saw how he dismantled major federal service agencies, especially in defense logistics.
Made military industrial contracting corporations filthy rich while the quality and efficiencies of most defense logistic services dropped to all-time lows.
Is this where Trump got the idea for selling junk to fill up his coffers OR when Republicans got the idea from Trump? idk but it IS when Republicans started selling weapons to terrorists so they could pay for other crimes.
Oh how my die hard Republican dad hated Reagan. Dad could melt down over his policies quicker than you can blink
Getting Gorbichof to take down that Berlin Wall down was the only thing he did that dad agreed with.
"Take Down That Wall"
I'd be that happy if marijuana was legal in Indiana
Deregulation of financial institutions led to the financial crisis and government bailout of over 1,000 Savings and Loan. The federal government spent over $124 billion
Always considered this Alzheimer's victim to cause so much ignorance in his term! GOP considered him St . Ronnie!
Will see more of this from "elect " in the coming days, months!
Agreed, so many people think that unions are strictly bad in some way or another. I believe the pros outweigh the cons. Employees that work for major corporations, like Walmart, should be unionized. Most of these companies would rather close their location than allow a union.
Reagan is the father of today's corporate economy. He deregulated big business starting with AT&T & airlines. Before Reagan you could buy a round trip ticket from CA to Chicago for under $200. He was big into crimes & some of the same people in his cabinet are still active in GOP. He was just a turd
In addition to what you list here, he set us on the road to 30+ trillion dollars in National Debt.
Totally accurate and also sounds very very familiar right about now, doesn’t it? 🍊🤡
Ronald Reagan confessed to treason on National TV. He armed the Ayatollah who vowed "death to America."
Arming the enemy, the very definition of treason.
Saint Reagan 😤
The trickle down, supply side BS started with him, at least him as salesman for the oligarchs.
Look what Republicans did to our middle class and working class, compared to Western europe, without reaganomics.
Europeans didn't give it all to the billionaires.
Adding this to my Reagan collection.
Never Vote Conservative.
Clearly not his worst sin but still fucking annoying.
As Prez.
Paid for top-rate tax cut from 70% to 28% by taxing SSI benefits.
Cut Federal support to many state education programs, forcing them to raise local taxes to make up Some of the cuts.
Congress is responsible for federal legislation, not the President.
Congress is responsible for federal tax policy, not the President.
Congress is responsible for federal spending, not the President.
Increased inequality.
The wealth gap increased the divide between the rich and the poor.
Reduced funding for Housing and Urban Development. This hit African Americans particularly hard and continues to present day.
He and Newt Gingrich were the beginning of the end of good politics and started the devisevness we're at today.
Nothing great about either of them. 🤨
Obama let bankers get off after the 2008 debacle while suckers lost their homes
Whatever good 3 Obama/Biden terms did, the rich got richer and inequality ballooned.
So nyet
BOTH parties and their presidents killed the USA
Until w, he was the worst potus in our history. Then we all learned the gop will ALWAYS find someone worse
Breaking PATCO.
The Fuck responsible for why we are where we’re at.
Rapist/Felon 45? I’m sick to my stomach. I thought #JusticeMatters.
Not defund and close.
Results since the 80’s - increased suicides, homelessness, mass shootings, etc.
His social policies were a disaster.
Nixon declared the “Drugwar” but it was Reagan’s “Just Say No” that put it on steroids.
See The Family documentary for how they started in government.
Here's just one of his other crimes:–Contra_affair
A big turning point in our political divide.
"I do not recall" was their answer to any questions.
BTW, Bonzo warned us that Reagan was an idiot,
Welfare moms
Crushing unions
Closing home for mental health needs
Embraced the NRA
Removed solar panels from the White House
Embraced oil companies.
That’s all I could immediately think of but there is soooo much more.
New solicitor (Orange Sphincter) and improved MAGA tactics evolved for over 50 years. Began in 1973 right after Watergate
Getting Gorbichof to take down that Berlin Wall down was the only thing he did that dad agreed with.
"Take Down That Wall"
I'd be that happy if marijuana was legal in Indiana
Democracy now struggles on its deathbed ☠️
Will see more of this from "elect " in the coming days, months!