How does taking away cancer funding own the libs?
Is it a partisan disease?
Is it a partisan disease?
He acts like he supports MAGAs because they are useful to him. They cheer for him and are dumb enough to destroy the country in his honor.
The only thing they care about is proving they have the means to control.
Smart people make maga apes feel stupid and so the maga apes lash out.
Like when a frustrated chimp flings their poop.
DAMN. A bright spot!
Denial that “a stitch in time saves lives” works.
They only truly care about CLASS interest. Canceling publicly funded cancer research primarily hurts the working class.
Herman Cain comes to mind...
His small ego can't handle what other people do. So, he shuts it all down.
Not to mention mo real unions to speak off, cancer runs pretty rampant down there
Republicans ARE cancer.
I have a rare form of brain cancer that has spread.
It all makes sense.
The joke is on us.
It won't go will just be "reorganized" in a manner that will line the pockets of those that purchased that piece of the Drumpf pie.
Case in point: Casey DeSantis
Never heard a word until SHE got it (if she ever did) and then that's all they could talk about. Poor poor Casey. The first woman to ever have cancer in the history of the country!
And since she's "cured"..... nada.
Vindictive, cruelty, dispare and fear, this is Trumps only way of showing strength and has been his whole miserable life
Fucking clown.
Trump has
1. no concern for people like us
2. has dementia so he does not recall
3 he will do whatever HE thinks it will take to remove the enemy from within! That's US!
And I do thank the scientists that developed the mRNA component.
"Cancer is God's will." and all that bullshit. The sadistic psychopath isn't Christian, he just likes making people suffer. In the end they will find some scapegoat to pin his failures on and the MAGAverse will accept it without question.