Blocked him just now. MAGA vipers still bring drama over to Bluesky from X to create more havoc, mayhem and carnage again. As I said before and I will say it again Don't need anymore MAGA drama. Thanks for the heads up and letting me know, Susan.
I'm telling you, Trump can be appointed Supreme Dictator For Life and everything wrong with the world will somehow still be Democrat's fault because the TV said so.
Ever notice that they offer premises without any supporting data. Best they can offer are β alternative factsβ ( lies ), if even that. There is no process of formal argument with them, there is no critical thinking. Tell you what, I always notice.
The world they live in is like an upside down, reverse photo negative of reality. Dr. Robert Jay Lifton calls it a "malignant normality" which is what I used to call it. Now I just call it the MAGAverse.
I did both & am now investigating the Pinterest with the same handle.
Report and block theseπ