The 1% are so busy salivating over the gains they will make in this new robber baron age, that they didn't even notice that an overwhelming number of Americans didn't care at all that a healthcare CEO was murdered. They are going to keep pushing until it happens again.
I'm thinking of opening a restaurant. "Let's explore tonight's prix fixe menu: Welcome to "Eat the Rich," where the offerings are as decadent as they are diverse. To start, we have the caviar-fed hedge fund managers, exquisitely marbled with delicate notes of champagne and privilege...
But I fully-support Team Orca.
Coat them in shark-livers, and let them swim through the Strait of Gibraltar. (Sorry sharks, it's for the best possible cause.)
Not just Federal employees, those on disability, food stamps, social security..Elon has all the personal info on near everyone.
Elon's Skynet is on the horizon.
Buckle up Buttercups