So true. I liked Prince and he was obviously very talented but the praise for this solo especially since his death is way over the top. Keep seeing it described as the "best solo ever" - it's not even in *his* top 5
The worst biproduct of Prince's Gently Weeps solo was all the YouTube videos from authoritative guitar solo "analysts" pulling it apart phrase by phrase and explaining why it was genius. 😏
🤣 I'm so glad this has come up for discussion here - was starting to think I was going mad for not believing it's the GREATEST SOLO OF ALL TIME EVER ETC!
My brother in christ, I agree wholeheartedly. I raised this about a week ago and was told various reasons but nothing that really said "this solo is valuable because X". I get Malmsteen - it's fast and fun. I fully rep Slash - melody king. But this...nothing.
I think that Prince gently weeps solo is one that non-musicians tend to rate. I'm a piss-poor guitarist and even I can see exactly what he's doing and thinking. He even repeats a bit (where he pulls off on the open string). Think he was more concerned with how it looked than what he played
He spent a fair amount of his life being dismissed as just R&B, just pop, just dance music by rockists. Was it his best solo ever? No. Did he plan and execute that solo as a middle finger to folks who mistake shredding and distortion for musicality and dismissed him as "not rock?" I think yes.