The one on my is branches made to look like an owl, and the one on my shoulder is like to hear what people think it looks like. They are both old pics. Don't have my hair like that anymore.
That is wayy cooler than anything I could’ve thought of
Here’s kinda what I was thinking, but w/ more roots wrapping around and having them connected. And a tall aspen (I’d like multiple but that’s expensive) instead of the little guy
That is pretty. My next one is going on my left forearm, and it's going to be either an undead raven or a pair of normal ravens. Then, on my left shoulder will be this.
Is your tattoo thorns? It looks really cool!
And so is the decorated upside down cross, cooler than I know how to describe lol 😅
Once I have a little more money in the bank I think I’m gonna get a tree w/ roots on my forearm. Lemme see if I can find the reference
Here’s kinda what I was thinking, but w/ more roots wrapping around and having them connected. And a tall aspen (I’d like multiple but that’s expensive) instead of the little guy