that is awful. never wish for that. always stay positive. instead, we can hope that he loses some weight in el salvador. what is good for the gander is good for the goose, amiright?
Even more happier if I wake in the morning to a Headline that reads "Trump found face down in rat infested sewer covered in rat shit and piss" that would make my day
Fricking ecstatic! Then we target the rest of the MAGA losers!
Maybe they should offer Trump a plea deal to turn on his cabinet, MAGA congressmen, and all of the billionaires that bent the knee and licked his piggy toes. He’s a weasel, he’ll turn on them in a hot second.
Hell yes!!!!!!!
A bigger birthday celebration of freedom than the fucking 4th of July.
America has not seen this level of tyranny since British colonialism!!!!!
In fact Tang Turd in actuality under your past & present regimes has been monumentally worse!!!
Heads up King Charles!!
We all know narcissist will never resign if you know anything about history it never ends well for them in a way it's Justice because they can see their defeat and downfall and how heated they really were up to their dying moment
Only if he took JD, Johnson, and a handful of GOP reps, from swing states, with him. Otherwise it would merely result in the same shit from a different pile.
No Trump. You should jump off a high cliff onto hard rocks.
Stand in front of a high speeding train. Jump from a tall building. Hang from the rafters. etc. you get the hint?you hateful, cruel,stupid,greedy orange turd. We can then pour acid on your remains, burn you and flush you down a toilet.
We want so much more than that... and any maga moron with it... this monster never should have been allowed near our house, and every putin puppet along with him, our country is compromised, and we the people must fix it
Absolutely not! You had your chance to cut a plea deal and refused and resorted to legal terrorism. I for one will never settle for anything less than "total victory" over you.
I'm thinking "resign" would be getting off too easy. But in the interests of the nation, I'd accept resignation. There might be some claw back, though.
However the 'presidential immunity from persecution' may be challenged easier with a different president.
Maybe they should offer Trump a plea deal to turn on his cabinet, MAGA congressmen, and all of the billionaires that bent the knee and licked his piggy toes. He’s a weasel, he’ll turn on them in a hot second.
We'd prefer something with a lot more finality.
A bigger birthday celebration of freedom than the fucking 4th of July.
America has not seen this level of tyranny since British colonialism!!!!!
In fact Tang Turd in actuality under your past & present regimes has been monumentally worse!!!
Heads up King Charles!!
He may even be ickier than the head Traitor himself.
But it *WOULD* be the first step in the right direction.
Stand in front of a high speeding train. Jump from a tall building. Hang from the rafters. etc. you get the hint?you hateful, cruel,stupid,greedy orange turd. We can then pour acid on your remains, burn you and flush you down a toilet.
... Would that be ironic? Im trying to make it ironic
Even happier if I knew for sure you'd go to hell when you died!!!
Never gonna happen obvs.