Imagine being the parent who did not vaccinate their children only to have the children exposed to a potentially life threatening disease that should be eradicated. Would they even understand their level of stupidity and culpability? It's unimaginable.
Having worked in Public Health as a nurse in the disease, prevention and control area (DP&C). If RFK Jr. gets his fingers involved, and we will be having another Andrew Wakefield moment in time 😬
On the one hand, this really sucks. On the other, I hope this actually wakes these people up to the reality of the situation. Though, I think they'll suffer for 4 years, and if the US votes Blue next time, they'll promptly blame that President for their very current woes.
They may die of SSPE, subacute sclerosing panencephalitis. This is when measles travels to the brain. I took care of an unvaccinated 9 year old and he died. I couldn’t control his seizures. It was awful. #RFKJr
Doesn't their magic book say something about the sins of the parents being visited upon their children? I guess that works for stupidity as well as sin
Get used to it; anti-vax conspiracy crap will skyrocket once RFK Jr. is confirmed, as will preventable disease outbreaks. Get the information you need to protect you and your family while vaccination is still available and affordable:
Or in trump words: "let them die, i don't care"