Amazing that even the FBI office most loyal to Fox News, Rudy, and the FSB’s checkbook has decided to fight.
Reposted from
Ryan Goodman
Another FBI leader standing up for the rule of law
“Today, we find ourselves in the middle of a battle of our own, as good people are being walked out of the FBI and others are being targeted because they did their jobs in accordance with the law and FBI policy."
James Dennehy, FBI NY Field Office
“Today, we find ourselves in the middle of a battle of our own, as good people are being walked out of the FBI and others are being targeted because they did their jobs in accordance with the law and FBI policy."
James Dennehy, FBI NY Field Office
Very scary: 6,000 highly trained FBI agents and investigators who worked on January 6th cases having their careers ended on the whim of a petty vengeful POTUS who I'm sure thought this through, huh?