I've been stressing out too much about choosing a right time to debut when this is all meant to be a hobby. I'm just gonna go for it and stop worrying about living up to crazy expectations I've made up that nobody else has but me.
VTubing is meant to be fun for me. I felt so pressured to make the things that come with a debut (reveal & promo videos, other new assets) that it lost the point. I hate this culture.
I have decided just to be a pink and cute nobody 💗 and if you still care about me anyway, I am grateful.
Definitely try and get into the mindset of doing it for yourself. In time you will curate your own safe space and a community. But like you said, right now this is a hobby and for fun. You're not in competition with anybody except yourself! Get excited and have a good time with it!
Thank you Edd! I only ever wanted to do a silly little promo graphic like this but I felt pressured to do more because of conventions the VTubing community has. Doing things for myself is something I need to keep reminding myself, especially since I'm not planning to quit my day job for this.
That's the dream, right? To be able to do something like this full time would be amazing. But you're right, baby steps! Do it because you want to do it and if it ever develops into something more, then that's amazing. You will make connections and meet people as time goes on!
I have decided just to be a pink and cute nobody 💗 and if you still care about me anyway, I am grateful.
It didn't make sense for me to do that. I also don't believe in going all out on one-use assets.
I'm rooting for you!