Let me get this straight: A) They DON'T want qualified people in charge of the US government, which is to govern for the best interests of ALL people to the best of their abilities and B) They DON'T want to preserve democracy, defend the US Constitution, & protect the people that are not like them?
Agent Orange. I like this one. Been calling him the Orange Felon but I must say, I am digging Agent Orange. Hints at the βUseful Idiotβ that he is.
What is going to happen with all these criminals running the country for 4 years. How does one prepare for this devastation of the USA.. Can't he be stopped
His post is MALARKEY! Trump pick patterns: corruption, corruptible, baseness, sexual offenders,TV personalities, radio hosts, billionaires, pro-Russia, cruel, liars, hypocrites, fascism, racism, christofascism, dictatorial bent, convicted felon (C.Kushner). Oh yeah just like him!
Anthony, how many countries are going to forbid entry of #convictedfelonDonaldJTrump even though he is currently president elect, and supposed to be inaugurated on January 20, 2025?
Like the song says: Only the Good die young - he is going to stick around until he completely destroys U.S. - I feel like I am going crazy each day seeing what he is doing
I understood, even being pardoned, may release you from prison or further legal jeopardy, but you remain a felon.
But then again.... I'm probably mistaken.
Any thoughts?
Agent Orange is making America great? Great for who?
Great for him and his billionaire buddies!
And he is literally the first American that is now literally above the law.
Always has been, always will.
Criminal with connections and money