I find it basically repugnant when people who moralize about the necessity of community and taking care of one another can’t be bothered to care about disabled people.
Maybe not the best way to “change minds”, being angry, but I tried other ways.
This is where “allies” should be moving.
Maybe not the best way to “change minds”, being angry, but I tried other ways.
This is where “allies” should be moving.
As someone forced to confront the reality that people do not care about my immunocompromised self, why is it on me to find magic words that melt people at less risk?
2020: Oh shit we need remote work.
2021: Oh shit this remote work is kinda nice, we should keep doing this.
2022-23-24: Why did we never do this yet? Never going to office!
People who have been begging for this accessibility for literal decades: