This is about writing, but it could literally be about any kind of work or activity: just try to do some. A little bit every day if you can. If you can’t, and this is important-
Just chill out. There is no point in beating myself up or comparing myself to a me that no longer exists. Just let it go.
Just chill out. There is no point in beating myself up or comparing myself to a me that no longer exists. Just let it go.
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Ok wait
What’s your best, most impactful, small habit that you’ve embraced that you like and would recommend to others?
What’s your best, most impactful, small habit that you’ve embraced that you like and would recommend to others?
I also count the smallest bit of creative work as WORK. Some days that's internal brainstorming, some days it's doodling, it's all work 💜