CW police brutality to disabled people
As we see calls for civil disobedience ramp up again, I want to remind folks that 50% of excessive force deaths in police custody are disabled people. There is a misapprehension that cops are hesitant to harm disabled folks. That is not true.
As we see calls for civil disobedience ramp up again, I want to remind folks that 50% of excessive force deaths in police custody are disabled people. There is a misapprehension that cops are hesitant to harm disabled folks. That is not true.
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But look, if they rough me up and get shit all over themselves, it won't be because I didn't warn them.
Increasing cruelty to disabled people directly correlates to hate crimes.
Given that, no one is safe. And disabled people especially not.
But go informed. Understand the risk is HEIGHTENED, not lessened. The woman in the first picture was thrown on the floor.
Also, if you are nondisabled, please understand that when you ask disabled people to take part in civil disobedience, you’re not asking for us to exercise a privilege. It’s the exact opposite.