Breaking my rules on Substack for this one. Tania speaks directly to that most stubborn group of people: the ones that outright refuse to engage with their vulnerable friends when we talk about masks.
Excuses and subject changes. My friends know long COVID destroyed me. Do they care? Ehhh?
Excuses and subject changes. My friends know long COVID destroyed me. Do they care? Ehhh?
Reposted from
Tania J. Spencer
"To put it bluntly, get over the fear of being judged. It does not serve you in the political climate that we're in. Do not let the embarrassment of wearing the uniform keep you from joining the ranks of the revolution":
I think they think I’m just unlucky. Nah. This is all very common.
What do we have to do to get you to get over yourself and protect yourself and others again? Because for a minute there, you did. I had HOPE.
The person you give a deadly disease to very well might not.
You are very likely immunocompromised now.
I’m out here trying to survive. Your ostrich behavior makes that sixteen times harder and then some.
Genuine offer: if you stopped and you want help starting again, I will answer any questions in good faith, give you resources, be an accountability buddy. I want you to be safe.
I will go with you. But you have to take the steps.