I call this reporter
👉 Kommersant’s Lady Whistledown
Now, make no mistake, this guy has had Kremlin backing, and the whole thing does read like a gossip rag, but these things do provide incite into a few things.
👉 Kommersant’s Lady Whistledown
Now, make no mistake, this guy has had Kremlin backing, and the whole thing does read like a gossip rag, but these things do provide incite into a few things.
It is also becoming EVEN MORE insular than before. And when you have an economy as opaque as Russia you need to find other ways to look at things.
👉 complain
👉 gossip
It’s part of being human. Humans love to complain and gossip! Follow the complaints and you’re likely to find a problem.
Then his faction was one of the 2 that didn’t vote for the 2025 budget package.
Gennady Zyuganov had things to say about that “Oreshnik” missile
He claims “it was an invention of Soviet engineers!”
"Journalists later identified the German man – in the early 2010s, he was HR director at the Russian division of the Media Markt chain, then set up an obscure consulting business."
The Inflation is high because Putin is literally burning money to keep the war going: The salaries driven up by high demand of military industry and high "salaries" of the soldiers are the main cause.
Both come from the budget and are not affected by borrowing.
"Russian media report that state-managed VTB, one of the largest Russian banks, could crash rather soon.
VTB has taken out a loan from the Russian Central Bank for 2 trillion rubles (about $19 billion). There are no signs that they would be able to repay the loan anytime soon"