Lying on the ground, dirt all over his hands and face.
He made a dent in the weeds, enough to call this battle a win. The war, however, continues on for at least another day.
He made a dent in the weeds, enough to call this battle a win. The war, however, continues on for at least another day.
Amalthea offers her hand out to the figure currently laying in the dirt, kneeling down to his level as she does so.
He takes the offered hand with a tired chuckle.
"Who would've thought gardening on top of a mountain would be hard?"
Amalthea pulls Ruby to his feet easily, her smile turning into a look of mild concern.
"I can't imagine how you must be feeling after all that work. Are you okay?"
"Nothing some water and a break can't fix."
He says with enough confidence to hopefully be convincing. He wasn't in any danger, per se, but tiring himself out only made it easier for Mischief to suddenly take over. For now he had to believe+
Ruby's tone is convincing to a point, but Amalthea worries regardless. It's one thing to be working hard in the mountains, but it's another thing to do so while having a second voice in your head.
"To the tavern? I'm sure they'll have some food for us too."