I don't think drugs won. i think it's obvious that the Police State won. The drug laws themselves are written so that a rich coke head or privileged junkie will be slapped on the wrist while someone from the hood will be given more time than a murderer.
sure we see how its used .
but the reality is a lost war ..
the object of a war is to defeat yer target to stop them
i know that theres much more and more varied drugs on the streets now than in 80/90/00s .
Yeah but some of the most dangerous drugs are legal. They are prescribed by doctors daily. Take someone who smokes marijuana for ten years , next to the guy using oxycodone for ten years. Who dies? Not the marijuana fan. The guy who used what his trusted doctor gave him.
but the reality is a lost war ..
the object of a war is to defeat yer target to stop them
i know that theres much more and more varied drugs on the streets now than in 80/90/00s .
Booze n fags pure killers also!!