The tortutre debate is particularly stupid because torture is less effective at getting information than psychological methods.
If torture worked, we would have an ethical debate on our hands. But it objectively does not work. and yet America faught for the right to do it anyway.
It's only as I've gotten older & wiser (?!!) that I'm realising the only reason Brits (i know this isn't a Brit account but I'm talking here as a Brit) have thought of the US as 'the goodies' is cos we were their allies. Now we're starting to see them as the warmongers that they are.
My apologies to the good & decent folk from USA who read this, but I think a lot of you are starting to see the same too, & not just cos of Trump & the GOP either.
I wouldn't go that far but considering he's meant to be a Labour PM, he's the most right wing Labour leader I've ever seen, even further right than Blair.
He's an obvious lapdog for the Zionist agenda just like Trump. They both routinely speak of Palestinians as if they are not human beings that deserve the same respect and dignity as the rest of humanity.
If torture worked, we would have an ethical debate on our hands. But it objectively does not work. and yet America faught for the right to do it anyway.